About Later-in-Life Innovators

We can make a difference!

We bring Wisdom, Skills, and Experience in abundance and, with access to dedicated support systems, we can continue to make valuable contributions to the economic and social development of our communities.

We aspire to:

  • Provide networking, collegiality, connectivity and learning opportunities for Later-in-Life Innovators.
  • Advocate for recognition of Later-in-Life Innovators as a legitimate part of the Christchurch Innovation Ecosystem who are making a positive impact socially and economically.
  • Foster vibrant small business opportunities for later-in-life innovators in and around Christchurch to grow and achieve their goals through mentoring, training and encouragement.
  • Identify learning, development and funding opportunities to help small businesses.


We aim to develop a sustainable network and support group for those getting into business for the first time later-in-life and for those exploring this option.


We intend to give every person the support they need to thrive, as they develop their small business opportunities.

Message from the Founder

Dr Chris Kirk

The past year has been an incredible journey – I hadn't realised that there are large numbers of people over 50 setting up businesses for the first time, just as I had done some years ago. On looking more closely I found 3 things:

  • there is a growing global movement of so-called “senior entrepreneurs”
  • there are a number of us in Christchurch
  • there is very little assistance or support for ‘us’.

So we’re doing something about it!

We’ve set up ‘Later-in-Life Innovators’ for our local region.  We started by holding monthly networking meet ups – and we’re now beginning to develop a suite of specialist resources specifically aimed at the unique starting position of the 50+ group getting into business for the first time.

So do come and join us – no fees, no costs, just come along.

We can support each other and assist many more into successful startup businesses. Know your worth and believe in yourself.  We can make a real difference!

I am a startup coach, an instructor and an entrepreneur who thrives on helping others to succeed.